Futari wa pretty cure max heart villains
Futari wa pretty cure max heart villains

futari wa pretty cure max heart villains

  • Pink Heroine: Nagisa, despite her predomnantly black outfit, is considered the "pink" of the team.
  • Passionate Sports Girl: The ace of the school lacrosse team.
  • Futari wa pretty cure max heart villains series#

    Also the Trope Codifier for much of the series up until Doki Doki Pretty Cure.

  • Modesty Shorts: Both in her Lacrosse uniform and as Cure Black.
  • Meaningful Name: In the dub, she's called Natalie Blackstone.
  • Malaproper: Often gets proverbs wrong, and seems to suffer from slight dyslexia.
  • Love Letter Lunacy: From lots of female underclassmen.
  • Once Gekidrago hurt her Annoying Younger Sibling, she killed the villain in the same episode.
  • Knight Templar Big Sister: Nagisa is the example of all Pretty Cures.
  • But harm him in anyway, and you can guarantee that Cure Black will turn you into a smear on the pavement. Every time he's being annoying, she'll practice a wrestling move on him.
  • Jerk with a Heart of Gold: Especially if it's about her brother.
  • I Will Find You: To Honoka in episode 42.
  • I Just Want to Be Normal: Nagisa considers the business of being a Cure to be dangerous and quite a hassle.
  • Head Desk: Whenever she thought of Fuji-P, one of the things that may happen is this, complete with her repeating "Arienai!" after every bang on her head.
  • Girls Love Stuffed Animals: She has a large collection of stuffed animals.
  • Literally in the first episode of Max Heart she mentions that her goal for her new year is to "eat all the chocolate that comes her way."
  • Girls Love Chocolate: Nagisa really LOVES chocolate.
  • Everything's Better with Spinning: Lands a spinning kick on Juna in episode 39.
  • Even the Girls Want Her: Much to her chagrin, Nagisa is more popular with the girls than the boys.
  • A Dying Dream in Max Heart finale shows that she already has it since she was a child, implied coming from her own stubborn pride as a sport ace.

    futari wa pretty cure max heart villains

  • Determined Defeatist: No matter how many times she yells "Arienai!", to herself or to other people, she will see through her goal to the bitter end.
  • Her half of the Marble Screw is also darkness-based.
  • Dark Is Not Evil: Nagisa is, so far, the only non-evil Cure to wear mostly black.
  • Crossdresser: Happens in at least two episodes: in episode 9, she does this twice-first as a ramen delivery boy, then as a mailman-in an attempt to reclaim Mepple, who had been confiscated, and in a later episode, she gets the part of Romeo in her school's production of Romeo and Juliet.
  • She also does this for a Japanese period play in episode 37 of Max Heart.
  • Cross-Cast Role: As Romeo in Romeo and Juliet (see below).
  • Club President: In Max Heart, she becomes the lacrosse team captain.
  • Catchphrase: "Arienai!" note "Impossible!".
  • futari wa pretty cure max heart villains

  • Cannot Spit It Out: Her love for "Fujipi-senpai".
  • Boyish Short Hair: A member of the lacrosse team and overall rough-and-tumble, also sporting a short pixie cut.
  • Book Dumb: She is reasonably intelligent, but still not much of a student.
  • Ryouta even challenges her to a watermelon-eating contest and when he complains about Nagisa being perfectly fine where he became ill, their mother states "Nagisa has an iron stomach."
  • Big Eater: Demonstrated numerous times, such as Honoka having to drag her away from food carts on the streets when searching for Porun.
  • Berserk Button: Threaten her friends or her brother, and she'll let you have it for sure.
  • Bare Your Midriff: But only in the first season-Toei got enough complaints from parents to have her abdomen covered starting with Max Heart.
  • Though she's completely reluctant at first, her compassion for Mepple and Mipple as well as her desire to protect her friends convince her to save the world after all. When she makes a wish on a meteor shower for a boyfriend who will love her, she instead meets Mepple and gets the power to become Cure Black. An energetic athlete who's popular with the girls (although she wishes the love letters she got in her locker were from cute boys instead), Nagisa is a tomboyish middle-class girl who would rather have fun than study.

    Futari wa pretty cure max heart villains